
Founders & Board

Arch. Mauro Benzoni

Cofounder of GRG Gene Technology SA, Architect STS/OTIA/ATS, graduated from the High Technical School of Lugano, member of the Order of Engineers and Architects of Canton Ticino (OTIA) and of the Swiss Technical Association (ATS). Many years of experience in planning and management.

Pietro Busi Mori

Cofounder of GRG Gene Technology SA, member of the BOD, graduated, studies of economy, informatics and management. Many years of administrative and financial experiences in the industrial area and business consulting.


Dr. Ario Conti, PhD

President of the BOD. Professor at Faculty of Biology and Medicine of University of Lausanne. Expert in neuro-immunomodulation and Pharmacology. Among the other subjects, he studies plant Physiology and active natural compounds in living organisms.




Scientific Advisor


Dr. Gabriele Romano, PhD

Cofounder of GRG Gene Technology SA. Expert of molecular and translational medicine with a focus on technology transfer.




Collaborations & Partnerships


robertogiovannoni-2Dr. Roberto Giovannoni, PhD  

GRG Gene Technology SA relies on the scientific collaboration of Dr. Giovannoni, professor and researcher of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University Milano-Bicocca. Expert of experimental models of human disease. Associate Professor in Genetics, Department of Biology, University of Pisa.













    logo_rossoGRG Gene Technology SA  – Casella Postale 130  – 6594 Contone – Switzerland